If you enjoy gardening, or would like to learn more, make this the year that you get going! Growing your own flowers, fruits and vegetables is very satisfying. It is also pleasurable and can save you money! The Gardening Club can help you take that first step and we are a very friendly group of all ages, so if you just want to come along and see what it’s all about, we would love to welcome you, whether you are a complete beginner or are an experienced gardener. Membership costs only £10 per year and includes free admission to all our interesting talks, held on the second Friday of the month in the Kilmington Village Hall. For information on how to join, please see the ‘Who we are’ page.

Latest News

It’s Show Time

Although summer is reluctant to show itself, July is a busy month for the Kilmington Gardening Club. First, our talk on Friday, 12th July at 7.30pm is by Martin Young on Make a Butterfly Garden. Probably because of the unusually wet and cool weather recently, there seem to be far fewer butterflies around than usual for this time of the year, so it will be very useful to learn how we can do more to encourage them into our gardens.

Second, our Summer Show is almost upon us on Saturday, 20th July at 1pm in Kilmington Village Hall. We are hoping to see a good display of vegetables, fruit and flowers from you, whether you’re a regular exhibitor or a beginner.

The Show is open to all, not just to Kilmington residents, so if you would like to enter come along to the Registration days at the Hitchcock Pavilion: on Wednesday, 17th July between 11.00 and 12.30 and Thursday, 18th July between 11.00 and 12.30 as well as 16.00 and 18.30.

You can find a list of the classes on the website Show page or pick up a copy of the show schedule at Millers’ Farm Shop, St. Giles’ Church or the Baptist Church; or give our Secretary, Bev Perkins, a ring on 01297 631801 and she will drop a copy in to you.

If you are new to this, there are tips for exhibitors in the schedule or you can contact any of the committee for advice.

Exhibits can be brought to the hall on Friday, 19th July between 18.00 and 20.00 and on Saturday, 20th before 09.45. Judging will commence at 10.00.

Come along for a relaxing afternoon and enjoy a tea/coffee and some delicious homemade cake.

On the day the raffle will be called after the prize-giving, followed by the auction of vegetables, fruit and flowers.

Meanwhile, in anticipation of the Autumn Show on 7th September, when the classes will cover Art and Photography as well as Handicrafts, Preserves, Baking and Junior, it is time to start thinking about your entries! The categories are as follows:



  • Seascape
  • A walk in the woods
  • A black-and-white drawing of three fruits (the same or different)



  • Kilmington wildlife
  • A view from a window
  • A flower head
  • British weather


Junior Photography (for juniors in year groups 8 and below):

  • Playtime
  • Shadows

In addition to the talk and the Show, our next coach trip is a visit to Kingston Lacy, near Wimborne, Dorset on Thursday, 18th July. For more information, see the Annual Programme page.

Last month’s talk on Herbaceous Plants for your Garden by David Usher showcased David’s long experience in gardening during his 21 years as Head Gardener at Hestercombe and subsequently running his own gardening business. A report of his talk can be found here.

Upcoming Visits And Events


Jane Chalk (President)


Lesley Rew (Chairman and Talks Organiser)


Beverley Perkins (Secretary and Membership Secretary)


Jean Falconer (Show Secretary)


Christine Mills (Outings Secretary)

Tel: 01297-599018

Sarah Frankish (Treasurer)

Tel: 07718-232401

Contact Email Address

[email protected]


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